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  Title Copies
Agricultural Policy and Institutional Reforms in Vietnam: Experiences, Impacts. and Lessons 
Edition: 2nd Edition 
Year: 2016 
ISSN: 18132316 
Series: Southeast Asian Agriculture and Development Primer 
Agricultural Policy and Institutional Reforms in Brunei Darussalam: Experiences, Impacts. and Lessons 
Edition: 2nd Edition 
Year: 2016 
ISSN: 18132316 
Series: Southeast Asian Agriculture and Development Primer 
Imp[act of Climate Change and Land Use Change on Water Quality 
Year: 2019 
ISSN: 26722313 
Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development, Vol.12 No.2 
Year: 2015 
ISSN: 16564383 
Agricultural Policy and Institutional Reforms in Timor-Leste: Experiences, Impacts. and Lessons 
Edition: 2nd Edition 
Year: 2016 
ISSN: 18132316 
Series: Southeast Asian Agriculture and Development Primer 
Changing Agrifood Markets in Southeast Asia: Impacts on Small-Scale Producers 
Year: 2008 
ISBN: 978971560 
Digitalization and Food Security Amidst the Changing Landscape of Asian Agriculture 
Year: 2018 
Discovering New Roads to Developmet: Lowland Agricultural Technologies 
Year: 2011 
ISSN: 2012-4635 
Scaling Up Agroforestry Promotion for Sustainable Development of Selected Smallholder Farmers in the Philippines 
Year: 2017 
Series: Discussion Paper 
Call No: Series No. 2017-4 
Poverty Reduction Through Sustainable Fisheries: Emerging Policy and Governance Issues in Southeast Asia 
Year: 2008 
ISBN: 9789812308