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  Title Copies
Extent Of Scale Incidences in Lanzones (Lansium Domesticum) in Catarman 
Year: 2023 
Teacher Education 
Edition: Revised 
Year: 2009 
Call No: Fil 370 Sal 2009 
Implementation Issues in Weather Index-Based Insurance for Agricultural Production: A Philippine Case Study 
Year: 2015 
Agricultural Policy and Institutional Reforms in Myanmar: Experiences, Impacts. and Lessons 
Edition: 2nd Edition 
Year: 2017 
ISSN: 18132316 
Series: Southeast Asian Agriculture and Development Primer 
Introduction to Humanities 
Call No: Filipiniana 700 INT 
Pag-aalaga ng Baboy 
Year: 1994 
Call No: Fil 636.4 Arg 1994 
Attitude towards on Agrofestry system among upland Farmers in Mambjao, Camiguin 
Year: 2021 
Compilation of Humanities 
Call No: Filipiniana 700 INT 
Effects of fermented plant juice of mixed Leafy vegetables MLV on the production performance of broiler chicken (Gallus Domesticus) 
Year: 2023 
Biodiversity and Environmental Conservation by Justice Ross & Roberto Adkins 
Edition: First Edition 
Year: 2021 
ISBN: 1788821432 
ISBN 13: 9781788821438